We find the best deals for you

Staff Travel is part of the Barrhead Travel Group, one of the UK’s largest independent travel agencies. We employ over 900 people across more than 62 locations, and have been in the travel business for 40 years.

Staff Travel’s exclusive discounts are an employee benefit which is offered to corporate clients and large organisations.

We guarantee a minimum discount of up to 5% on ABTA tour operators’ package holidays and selected cruises, and up to 10% on Barrhead Travel holidays.

Because we are an independent agent, our travel consultants are able to select the most appropriate travel for your needs, and are not restricted to using certain suppliers as some other agencies are.

Using Staff Travel to book your next holiday combines the best qualities of an independent agency – experienced travel consultants taking personal responsibility for your travel needs – with the ability to negotiate the best deals from suppliers, due to our purchasing strength.